Monday, January 29, 2018

Plants! Sort of.

Well, there's no garden, guys.  After the broken foot last year I had a string of weird injuries and illnesses, and I've basically become a couch pillow.  No gardening. No bike. No nothing. Lots of depression, though. I'm good at that.

So, I've been drawing.  I got into coloring books and coloring calendars about a year and a half ago, which has since blossomed into an abiding love for sketching, drawing, coloring, and colored pencils themselves.  Every day at work, I shut myself up in my office on my lunch hour, pop in my earbuds, and color my wall calendar or do something original (or original-ish). I may not have any garden pictures for you, but I have drawings of gardens and plants instead:

a colored pencil interpretation of Cezanne's "Small Forest", 1890

A cyclamen I drew from an actual plant...all except for that
wonky leaf at the bottom, which I tried to draw
from memory.  Oops.  I just finished this last night.

Unfinished as of yet; trying to do a version of the picture below, which I took in Seattle along the waterfront.  The cobbestones look like zombie flesh. 

reference photo, Seattle, June 2016

a free printable I downloaded from the internet to work on one day when I
didn't have my calendars or sketchbook with me at work. I
LOVE the way the blue flower pot came out. 

working on the leaves in my new coloring calendar
(this one, by Joanna Basford)

another page from the internet, with color reference photo
(oriental poppy) 

  More soon; and maybe more stuff about actual, you know, gardening, if that ever gets back off the ground.